– Naturopathic training. Specialities: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), phytotherapy, kinesiology and yoga
– Osteopathic training at the IFAO Institut für angewandte Osteopathy (Berlin) and Akademie für Medicine und Lebenskunst (Mosche Kastiel München)
– Qualified chiropractor (certificate issued in accordance with DDH guidelines)
– Regular further training at the IFP Berlin (Institute for Phytotherapy), Universität Freiburg, ACON (Arbeitgemeinschaft Chiropraktik, Osteopathie und Neuraltherapie/ Working group for chiropractic, osteopathy and neural therapy) and with Prof. Jonn Boel (Denmark)
– Staff member at TCM clinic (traditional Chinese medicine) under Dr. med. H. C. Kästner (Berlin/Hermsdorf)
– Health advisory work at Heilehaus e.V.
– Comprehensive examination and training in dermatology
-Working in Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg, Berlin since 2003
integrative osteopathy, cranio sacral treatment, orthopaedic disorders, infections, nutrition allergology, dermatology and internal disorders
– Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland (VOD)
– Verband der freien Heilpraktiker (VfH)
– Verband für Osteopathie und ganzheitliche Medizin e.V.