Clinic team – Osteopathy & Naturopathy


Katinka Schudrowitz

Osteopath, Physiotherapist


– until 2002 physiotherapist training Paul Vogler Schule

– 5 year training at the International Academy of Osteopathy ( AO)

– training of Osteopathy for Babys with Tom Esser

– years expieriance of osteopathic practice and physiotherapist treatment


Classic osteopathy  for babys, children and adultes, orthopaedic deseases, cranio sacral therapy, osteopathy while pregnancy, physiotherapist training, lymph dreanaige, treatment of craniomandibular dysfunction,

– Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland (VOD), Osteopathic assotiation Germany

Sophie Meusel



– 5  yaer fulltime studies at European College of Osteopathic Medicine

– assistance in  osteopathic clinics in Berlin and Hamburg

– years of expierance with osteopathic treatments

– 2 years working in Zentrum für Kindesentwicklung (center of childhood devolpment) Hamburg


classic osteopathy  for babys, children and adults, orthopaedic desease, craniosacral therapy, osteopathy while pregnancy


 – Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland (VOD), Osteopathic assotiation Germany

Alexander Spies

Naturopath, Osteopath, Chiropractor


Osteopath Alexander Spiess

– Naturopathic training. Specialities: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), phytotherapy, kinesiology and yoga

– Osteopathic training at the IFAO Institut für angewandte Osteopathy (Berlin) and Akademie für Medicine und Lebenskunst (Mosche Kastiel München)

– Qualified chiropractor (certificate issued in accordance with DDH guidelines)

– Regular further training at the IFP Berlin (Institute for Phytotherapy), Universität Freiburg, ACON (Arbeitgemeinschaft Chiropraktik, Osteopathie und Neuraltherapie/ Working group for chiropractic, osteopathy and neural therapy) and with Prof. Jonn Boel (Denmark)

– Staff member at TCM clinic (traditional Chinese medicine) under Dr. med. H. C. Kästner (Berlin/Hermsdorf)

– Health advisory work at Heilehaus e.V.

– Comprehensive examination and training in dermatology

-Working in Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg, Berlin since 2003


integrative osteopathy, cranio sacral treatment, orthopaedic disorders, infections, nutrition allergology, dermatology and internal disorders


– Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland (VOD)

– Verband der freien Heilpraktiker (VfH)

– Verband für Osteopathie und ganzheitliche Medizin e.V.

Praxis Osteopathie & Naturheilkunde Berlin-Friedrichshain/Kreuzberg

Lehmbruckstraße 3
10245 Berlin
Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg
030 / 69529372
Termin online buchenDoctolib

Opening Hours
Mon 08:00 - 19:00
Tue 08:00 - 19:00
Wed 08:00 - 19:00
Thu 08:00 - 19:00
Fri 08:00 - 19:00