integrative osteopathy
What is integrative osteopathy?
At the view of integrative osteopathy, in addition to the osteopathic rebalancing it is necessary to identify the factors which put a further strain on the organism. The main players are: genetic predispositions, toxin exposure, infections, overuse/injuries and the psyche.These types of problematic influences have, as a rule, to be taken into consideration and must be eliminated in order to achieve a successful osteopathic treatment.
Diagnosis in integrative osteopathy
First and foremost is the diagnosis. To diagnose correctly different diagnostic tools are used. Starting with the case history, which is used to establish the areas and types of physical discomforts as well as concerns in private or professional life that the patient may have. Then an osteopathic examination follows to test the structural balance of the body, the position of the pelvis, the leg lengths, the spine and the cranium, as well as tensions in the organs and the rest of the skeletal system (bones and joints). With kinesiological diagnostics it is possible to efficiently detect chronic infections and toxic loads. Sometimes it may be indicated make further tests such as blood tests, analysis of the drinking water, indoor air measurements or other analytical tests.Psychological problems can directly lead to physical tensions, lowered pain-threshold and increased blood pressure.
Most importantly however under psychological strain we become unaware of ourselves and our needs, which leads to an unhealthy and physically demanding way of living. Strongly burdened individuals often eat unsuitable foods, exercise to little and choose professions that they don’t enjoy, or live in very draining partnerships.Another important diagnostic is the evaluation of the status of the teeth and the jaw. Not only gum disease and infections of the jaw bone after a root canal treatment are often undetected and can lead to chronic problems of the liver, kidneys, the immune and lymphatic system, but also maladjusted dentures can cause severe static dysbalances and tension in the spine and pelvis. It is not uncommon that problems in occlusion (bite), due to faulty dental work, are the culprits of a disc prolapse in the cervical spine. To evaluate any artificial teeth it is necessary to rebalance the whole craniosacral system first. Only then can with the help of kinesiological tests, or an evaluation of the movement of the cervical spine with the jaw clenched, judgement be passed on the functionality of bridges, crowns and dentures.
I find the common procedure of dentists to prescribe night guards and occlusal splints in cases of bruxism (teeth grinding) and occlusal problems counterproductive, as this does nothing to improve the overall situation.
Experiences with integrative osteopathy
Observing results in thousands of patients has shown that the probability of seemingly orthopaedic problems to resolve permanently is significantly higher when further diagnostic and therapeutic tools to evaluate systemic health are included in the process.