

Cupping is a detoxification treatment and has traditionally been used in different cultures. The therapy remedies reflex point and area disorders, stimulating the self-regulation of the body and thus reducing tissue deposits. Suction cups create a vacuum, which removes harmful substances via the skin. This frequently produces haematoma (blue bruises) or petechial bleeding (tiny dot-forming bleeding under the skin), which disappear again after a few days and are no cause for concern.


There are three kinds of treatments:

  • Dry cupping
  • Wet cupping
  • cupping massage
in areas of treatment the skin produces healing stimuli, which ease pain and stimulate general circulation, as well as activating the immune system and removes hardenings in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Dry cupping

the glasses are placed along the reflex zone on the patient’s back. The resulting vacuum widens the blood vessels – the blood can flow more heavily, supporting the metabolic functions in these areas, which produces an anti-spasmodic effect (energy supply, increased Yang, and an improvement in energetic balance).

Wet cupping

Wet cupping, which is mainly performed on points on the back, releases blocked blood, which is removed by scratching the skin beforehand. This also improves the flow of blood and thus the metabolic function of this area.

Cupping massage (tissue therapy)

Suction cups are placed on different points, and moved over painful, slagging areas on the back, covering the entire surface of the skin.

Cupping massage is recommended as an additional treatment for:

  • Immune system support
  • Increasing self-healing powers
  • Easing physical discomfort
  • Back pain
  • Bronchial asthma and bronchial catarrh
  • Headaches and migraines

Praxis Osteopathie & Naturheilkunde Berlin-Friedrichshain/Kreuzberg

Lehmbruckstraße 3
10245 Berlin
Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg
030 / 69529372
Termin online buchenDoctolib

Opening Hours
Mon 08:00 - 19:00
Tue 08:00 - 19:00
Wed 08:00 - 19:00
Thu 08:00 - 19:00
Fri 08:00 - 19:00